Frequently Asked Questions

1. My furnace and air conditioner serves both the upstairs and downstairs levels of my home. My upstairs is much warmer than downstairs, how can I achieve even temperatures for upstairs and downstairs?

First, you may try adjusting registers. In the summer closing down a number of registers on the lower level will help an upper level. In the winter closing down a number of registers upstairs may help the lower level. If these simple steps are not adequate then an automatic zoning system may solve your problems. This will allow you to have a thermostat upstairs and downstairs to control the temperature in each area using a single system.

2. I have allergies and would like to insure that the air indoors is clean. What can I do?

Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) has become a very serious problem because we are making homes more efficient by sealing them up against the outdoor elements. Fresh air stays out, and indoor air pollutants remain trapped inside. An air cleaner, media filter or HEPA system can help alleviate an air quality problem.

3. When I set my thermostat for a specific temperature, it overshoots (or undershoots) the set temperature before turning off. What can I do to solve this problem?

There may be a calibration problem with your thermostat or you could have an old style mercury bulb thermostat, which is not as accurate as the new digital thermostat.

4. Is it normal to have to add freon every year?

No, this indicates that you have a freon leak. The leak affects the efficiency of your air conditioning system as well as have adverse effects on the environment. Also a leak will cause your air conditioner to prematurely wear out. You should have a service technician check this problem.

5. Is it important to have my furnace and air conditioner serviced every year?

Yes. Our check and service on the furnace is very important because there are safety mechanisms in the furnace and vent system that should be checked annually. The check and service on an air conditioner will allow your system to perform at maximum efficiency. Additionally, preventative maintenance will minimize your risk of equipment failure and maximize the system’s life.

6. What if I do not change my air filter on regular basis?

Not changing the filter can reduce air flow, reduce the efficiency of your system or cause it to not function at all. Additionally, not changing the filter can lead to increased operating costs.

7. What if I smell gas?

A. Propane (LP) gas. You have this type if your gas comes from a tank located outside close to your house. Propane gas is heavier than air, so it will sink to the floor and spread. Consequently, it is much more dangerous than natural gas, which is lighter than air and dissipates much easier. If you smell propane (LP) gas exit your home immediately. You have an emergency. Seek immediate help either from your Propane supplier or 911. If you are able, shut the propane gas supply off at the tank.

B. Natural gas. You have this type if you have a gas meter and pay a natural gas supplier or utility. Natural gas has a smell agent added to it as a warning of a leak. If you smell gas faintly, check all areas of your house for strong odor. Include the basement or crawl space and the attic in your search. If the odor is strong anywhere exit your home immediately. You have an emergency. Call you heating contractor, the gas company, or 911. You need immediate help. You should know how to turn the gas off to your home at the meter. If the smell is only faint throughout all areas of your home, call your heating contractor to get it fixed within 24 hours. Keep the house ventilated by opening windows.

8. Should I leave my blower fan on On or on Auto?

There is usually no one answer. That is why you have a choice. If you have special air filtering, your filter will only work when the blower is running. So if the furnace or air conditioner is not running much, you may want the blower selection switch On to allow for more filtering. If you have a multilevel home on one system, you may find the air temperature more constant with the blower fan ON. Feel free to experiment to discover how you like it best. A blower motor is normally less than 1 HP so it does not use much electricity.